vineri, 15 aprilie 2011

The Vampire Diaries 2x18 The Last Dance review AKA Badass Alaric on the move

Klaus is here!Well not techincally but in Alaric's body and he is taking care of things very well.This weeks episode was the second one after the hiatus and fifth before the season finale and the storyline is really evolving and heading toward the great finale where our heroes will face Klaus.
Matt Davis really takes his acting in a whole new level.It is fun to watch him in action and freshing to see him play someone "else" besides the good ol' vampire hunter, Alaric Saltzman who is also Elena's history teacher(in disguise?!Can I say that? ).
The episode also featured a 60's party which was really interesting and fun to watch.Everyone was dressed in classic suits, not to mention Damon's dancing and lines xD. 
It also wasn't low on twists neither.Having believed that Boonie actually died facing Alaric/Klaus was a great deception to prepare for the final showdown, also having Elena take out the dagger from Elijah's body to ressurect him was something I didn't see coming.Hope they form some kind of partnership to take down the most bad ass vampire of all times.
What can I say?I loved this episode and dying to see the next one,but there's still a week for that.Meanwhile I'll finish reading The Vampire Diaries The Return:Nightfall and start the next one.

RAZOR rating: 8 (out of 10)

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