duminică, 17 aprilie 2011

Fringe 3x19 LSD review

Whoever had the idea to make this episode was pure genius.LSD,cartoon,action,drama all in all, everything. But I still have one advise,don't try this at home haha.
Humor played a large part in the episode and was kinda reminescent to last year's "Brown Betty". Bell "comes up with the idea to transfer his essence to a hard drive to save Olivia so Peter,Bell/Olivia and Walter take some high dose of LSD and enter Olivia's mind only to run in some problems.Olivia and Bell is nowhere to be found and when they finally reach the North side of the Twin Towers they realize everything is cartoon including them. This part of the episode was higly amusing.Loved it, seriously.Also Broyles getting high was a kind of "relaxation" for his character and was fun to watch.I mean I can't even begin describing the laugh I had watching him.

So they finally find Bell only to be tracked down by some zombies who try to kill them but thanks to Peter's rescue plan, they take the zeppelin which was miraculously on the top of the tower and they head to Jacksonville but the fuel was wasted thanks to an intruder who cut it off and damaged the zeppelin which lead to the "death" of Walter's who dying , woke up from the trans and so only Bell and Peter were left now. They finally arrived to Jacksonville where Peter thought that Olivia was and began searching for a house which had red door.Peter and Bell find the house and Peter realises that the Olivia waiting for him there is not the actual one but a "fake one" projected by the real one to test Peter's feelings.(This part from IMO didn't "belong" to this episode")Things got worse when Olivia's stepdad arrived and tried to kill them and managed to get rid of Peter who also returned to reality so now it was up to Bell save Olivia which he did by sacrificing himself. Olivia later drawn the exact same man who attacked Peter,Walter and Bell on the zeppelin and replied to Peter that that man may be the one who will kill her.
Overall it was an enjoyable episode with some lack in drama but served pretty well as a much more "brighter" episode considering the fact that the last episodes left will be much more darker.

RAZOR rating : 8 (out of 10)

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