sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2011

Fringe 3x21 The Last Sam Weiss review

The second part of the three episode arc season finale continues.Last week we got a peek of what's coming and now things are set in motion.The doomsday device was activated from over there and the fringe team must race against time to stop the upcoming destruction or everything they knew will be forever lost as both universes may be gone.Peter wakes up from the coma and goes to Liberty Island to find his father, the secretary, Walternate but realises that he's confused.Meanwhile Olivia and Sam Weiss are searching for a key while "natural" diseasters happen which are causing a rift between the two parallel worlds so in order to stop the doomsday scenario, Walter and Astrid with the help of Broyles plan to move their device to liberty island where on the other side they keep their machine so the damage would be only collateral.

Sam Weiss and Olivia find the "key" which opens a box what was kept hidden by Sam Weiss and his ancestors, the other Sam Weiss' and find a drawing similar to the one which depicted Peter in the doomsday device only this time it's Olivia on it.Walter imideately realises that Peter and Olivia must "synchronize" their brainwaves in order to deactivate the machine in both sides and let Peter enter.Things go according to plan and Peter enters the machine wich goes online and Peter passes out.When he wakes up he's in New York City where the war torn apart everything and stands in front of the completed One World Trade Center and looks at a stone where it writes "We Will Never Forget September 11, 2011, Dedicated to Their Memory September 11, 2021" and realises that he is 10 years in the future.
The last scene was kinda reminescent to the comic "X-Men Days of  Future Past" but it didn't matter because if last week's episode was awesome than this was something else...It was mind-blowingly awesome with an epic cliffhanger in the end.Next week the season finale airs.Can't wait and luckily for us fans, the show is coming back for a 4th season this fall.

RAZOR rating: 9.5 (out of 10)

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