marți, 29 martie 2011

Fringe 3x18 Bloodline Review

I think many of you have already heard the great news , that Fringe was renewed by The FOX for a fourth and full(22 episodes) season, which is cool not only because we will have another year of excitment , but because we will have a proper follow up after season 3's ending.The producers said that they wrote and filmed the finale as a season finale and not a series finale and that they would have been shocked if the show would have got cancel.
This episode was the last to air until April 15th when the show will resume to air the last four episodes from this season.

This episode was an "over there" episode which are big favorites of mine.The last other side centered episode "Immortality" had many twists including the revelation that Bolivia is pregnant with Peter's baby.This episode we find out that if she will keep the child than she could die due to "viral propagated eclampsia" although she wanted to keep the child.Things went crazy after a group of mysterious people kidnapped her and experimented on her, than accelerated the "process" by having her have the child within hours instead of nine months with this surviving.
The episode also featured several revelations, Lincoln confessed his feelings for Bolivia and turned out that the real kidnapper was ultimately Walternate.
Despite lacking on some intense moments, the episode was a real blast and surprises but like I said, it lacked the well known WTF moments we used to get.
RAZOR rating: 8 (out of 10)

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