miercuri, 23 martie 2011

Breakout Kings 1x03 The Bag Man Review

 Just to set the record straight, I haven't been watching this show up until heard that Nick Santora and the crew behind Prison Break is making this show.First when I heard of it just thought that it may be a Prison Break rip off but gladly I was wrong.The show takes place in the PB universe which is a great concept from my point of view since I was(and am) of the original Prison Break and it was great to see Robert Knepper return to portray(even if it's for the last time) the psychopatic Theodor'T-Bag'Bagwell.He managed to escape for the third time from a prison.Once with Michael Scofield as being part of the Fox River Eight than second time from Sona and now once again.His motives were unclear at first but it was fun to keep the audience guessing.We knew that he didn't go after Susan Hollanders but who was the mystery woman he was after?Not telling the audience this maintained the suspense of the episode.
 The cast of the show is very rich and fabolous.Sure the only one I knew was Serinda Swan who portrayed Zatanna in Smallville(which is another of my all time favorites).The rest of the crew like I said is amazing,especially that hallorious 'nerd' type guy, Lloyd Lowery.Of course the show is far from Prison Break, it has many lacks as errors and even from one episode I could observe that some characters may not evolve beyond at some point.Some cases or even things were resolved with a simple phone call and they were some primitive moves as well but overall I think the series has potential.I may stick to this episode only and wait for the DVD to come out than watch the whole season and see what I think.(Kinda ironic because I'm not reading what Critics say but I write my own reveiwes so xD)

RAZOR rating : 6.5 (out of 10)

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