joi, 17 martie 2011

Heroes 3x06 Dying of the Light Review

"I know what it feels like, now...all this power...I'm the most special!"

I know,I know it's in the past but either way 'Heroes' is over so I decided to "tribute" it with doing a review from one of my favorite episodes of the show.It is from Volume 3 "Villains" which I think was the point in the series' life when it lost all of it's logic :D I know I'm not alone who loves shows like this where you just have to sit and watch and eat meanwhile and drink and do wathever you want because either way you'll eventually loose the plot line.
                                                   ADAM: I guess you have some sort of special ability.
                             KNOX:I get stronger with peoples fear  
       ADAM:Oh, I'm not afraid

Bassicaly this was the exit episode of David Anders who was brought back only to get killed off in order to rise up from the ground a greater villain, papa Petrelli.IMO there could've been a dozen other ways to have Arthur rise to it's "might" than to write off such a fan favorite character like Adam Monroe was.The storyline moved forward thanks to this episode.After a strong premiere came several weak episodes(such as 3x02,3x03) so the season or volume really needed to set things up and show us viewers were the story heads.
PETER:You're too weak to stop me!
Don't try to see the logic in Peter's past actions(such as like travelling to  the future 4 years to get Sylar's power only to loose control of it than have it removed completly which eventually figures that you haven't used it at all)because there isn't any.Peter veni ,vidi...vici?!?!!?Okay, now I lost even the logic of what the heck am I writting here.The scene where Peter kicked Sylar's sorry ass was the only "action packed " scene when they eventually face off against each other(by face off I mean Peter gives it all while Sylar has some heartwratching speaches of "how I am your brother and now I'm a good guy",(4x12 doesn't count as they both are powerless thanks to Peter's Haitian power of turning abilities off).
Okay, so after Peter having Sylar back at Level 5, he heads down(or up?!) to Pinehearst to take down the whole gang of villains all by himself only to have the shocking revelation that his father whom he thought dead for almost a year(18 months to be exact) was well and alive.Peter's entrance was something memorable. Giving daddy a hug was not such a wise move as he lost all of his abilities(WRITERS: Okay we need to come up with something pronto because we don't have enough money to invest into making Peter so badass xD hehe I'm a 'billain'.).
I don't know, is it ironic? "Dying of the light" they should've called it instead "Dying of Heroes?!".I'm not complaining here overall as I've said before it's one of my fave episodes just that besides being a geek I'm very realisitc at some points(currently 'Fringe' is my favorite show but I'm rating realist and I know the show is in some very deep water).
HIRO:Mr.African Isaac?
For the last couple of episodes(counting season 4 as well)the character of Hiro,Ando and Claire became iritant honestly.As they were fun in season 1 as Hiro being a funny geek,Ando a loyal sidekick and Claire being a rebelious teenager after a while it became something that people really grown to hate or at least NOT love anymore.
Overall the episode was as I've said several times, one of my personal favorites(besides season one's "unexpected","Five Years Gone" and season two's "powerless").
I think I'll rate it with a fair 7 out of 10(geek rating xD c'mon give a guy a break).

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