vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

Fringe 3x05 "Amber 31422"

   It's been a while since "Do Shapeshifters Dream of Electric Sheep?" which aired on 10/14/10.I've been waiting for this new episode for a while now. Aaron & Shawn Ashmore also guest star in this episode Aaron is well known from Smallville(Jimmy Olsen) while his twin brothers also guest stared in Smallville twice but his major role came with his role of Bobby"Iceman"Drake from the X-Men trilogy.
   Overall this episode was pretty impresive.I'd rate it with a 4 out of 5.Olivia finally regains her memories and learns how to travel between the prime universe and the alternate universe.Walternate and Colonel Philip Broyles still are afraid of "Bolivia" regaining her true memories which like I said eventually happened in the end of the episode.Peter Bishop helped Olivia with revealing a few differences between the universes like how the Twin Towers were destroyed or how her sister, Rachel has a daughter and live in Chicago etc., with this "freeing" her memories and finally convincing her that she doesn't belong there.
   The episode's plot resolves around this plus the usual dose of high-action-adrenaline when a man frees his twin brother from the amber which is a molecular 'thing' that hibernates the host.During the episode, the twin brother's struggle between peace and love and they end up eventually switching places with the "right" brother getting redemption for his past actions while the  "wrong" brother being sealed away in the amber just like the other brother's been for 4 yrs.
   Next episode will take place "over here" titled "6955 Khz" and will air on FOX on 11/11/10.

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