vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

Force Unleashed 2 Review

   So I have been waiting for this game for a quite a while.Overall despite all the negative feedback I loved the game and enjoyed it even though it was damn short.The gameplay was really similar to the first one.I played in on my PC so I haven't noticed any drastical changes in the gameplay.The only difference was the way 'force grip' was "used".There are also a few extra things in the game like the dual lightsaber wielding and the new force power called 'jedi mindtrick' which can be very useful in certain situations.Also a new sequence was added, the 'run for your life' action sequence which is quite similar to the style from the Prince of Persia:Warrior Within game where you had to run for your life from the mysterious time creature called the Dahaka.
   The game opens with Darth Vader telling Starkiller that he is a clone and was the first subject who survived in isolation for thirteen days which is impressive for the fact that others have came and went mad before him.Vader then tells the clone that he must destroy what the real Starkiller created and learn to hate what the real one loved. Easier said than done , the clone sends some lightning at the dark lord and escapes from Kamino and heads to Cato Nemoidia to free the real Starkiller's jedi mentor, general Rahm Kota.After defeating the giant creature known as the Gorog, Rahm Kota and the clone have a really nice chat which ends with them going into separate ways.The clone goes to Dagobah where he encounters the 900 yrs old jedi ,Yoda.After facing his inner darkness in the dark side caves,the clone picks up the general again and they go to the Salvation where they learn that Starkiller's love interest, captain Juno Eclipse had been captured by the bounty hunter,Boba Fett in order to lure the clone to the dark lord back to Kamino.The clone "falls" for the trap and tracks them down to Kamino where Vader and him engage into a really intense force/lightsaber duel. The clone ends up victorious and you have a choice:If you choose the cannon light side ending then you spare Vader's life who is taken into custody by the New Republic and Juno and the clone are "reunited", however if the player chooses the dark side ending, the clone is killed by a mysterious figure who wields the original Starkiller's sith lightsaber and kills the general and his men.In the end turns out that the figure is non other then a perfect clone of the original starkiller whom emotions have faded away after he gave himself to the dark side.Vader orders him to search the far reaches of the galaxy and destroy the Rebels.This ending is non-cannon.

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