duminică, 5 decembrie 2010

Fringe 308: Entrada

Fringe's ratings were up and down this season but mostly stood in the same place and if it isn't enough, FOX moved the show to Friday once returns from the hiatus after it's fall finale on December 9 meaning that probably wants to get rid of the show otherwise why would he put it on the death slot?According to the big bosses at the studio , with it's friday slot the show has more surviving chances then with thursday.Hell yeah and I'm Clark Kent.
     Anyway this episode marked the end of a massive chapter this season with Olivia returning home from 'over there' and Bolivia returning home 'overe there'.Honestly there were a few plotholes and non sense stuff but overall the episode was one of the greatest episodes this season so far.The opening sequence was slightly different to with the color shifting from blue to red and vice versa reflecting that the episode is shifting between the two parallel universes.
      The episode started with Peter finding out(with little help) that the woman he has been sleeping with for weeks is actually Bolivia, Olivia's counterpart from the other side.After calling Walter and Broyles in, the team began the investigation to find the doppleganger leading them to Bronx where they found the type writer that can communicated between the two worlds.
       Over there, Olivia is locked down and Walternate is planning on sending her back to her world but not before they take her brains out to examine on it.Col.Broyles helps Olivia escape with this sacrificing himself and Olivia finally get's home.Astrid phones Broyles and informs him about Olivia's safe return from the other side but Bolivia is gone.She went home too.
       Now with Olivia home, Peter decides to tell her his relationship with Bolivia and how he thought it was the real Olivia but he's affraid what she will think.Broyles meanwhile stares at his alternate self who was found dead after Bolivia went back.Astrid is happy to see her teammate while Walter is still trying to understand how the Doomsday device works that Walternate wanted Peter to use in order to destroy the parallel universe because as he said:"There's a war between the universes and only one of them can survive the impact."
        I rate this episode with a 4.5 out of 5.
*Let's hope Fringe's ratings are better on the Other Side xD.

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