True Blood really kicks some ass this season.Although not as action packed as before, I have to say this "slower" storytelling really helps the show. Witches,shifters,werewolves,werepanters,vampires,fairies and everythig just puts the whole show and experience on a whole new level.
This season deals with the events of the past and puts the characters into a new spotlight.A year and bit passed since Sookie went missing into fairyland where she only spent a few minutes and upon her return everything went crazy.The world she know no longer exist as she knew.The world entered into a post-Edgington era where vampires aren't liked but neither hated.Bill became the supreme king of Louisiana now taking the title of King Bill and Eric Northman is his right hand man, his scheriff.
That said things go crazy when a group of witches(or necromancers as Bill states) are trying to get control over the dead which would mean they would be able to control vampires as well.Bill sends Eric to stop them but instead the witches erease Eric's memory leaving him compltely tabula rasa. Sookie finds Eric(who bought her house during the one year she was missing so he can "own her") and helps him which makes the two fall in love in each other and ultimately have sex in the forest. King Bill meanwhile wants to get rid of Eric because he can't have Eric "have" Sookie but finally realises that Sookie deserves to be happy and let's Eric go.
The storyline of witches also involves LaFayette and Jesus who are both witches.Werepanter storylne circles around Jason Stackhouse and Crystal while the werevwolves are the usual as last season, Debbie and Alcide.Oh, and Andy Bellfleur is hooked on V.Adict f#ck! xD.
Overall this season is an interesting one.I'd say season 3 was better but than I would be wrong because this one got all season 3 didnt, a slower and more edge hooking storytelling, at least from my point of view.
So far a 8 out of 10.
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