sâmbătă, 7 mai 2011

Supernatural 6x20 The Man Who Would Be King Review

Okay, it's not a secret that I dislike(d) season six but this one...well this episode was extraordinary, it felt like Supernatural for me once again.I followed the show when season four started and after watching it I checked out seasons 1-3 and I absolutely loved it especially season four and five but when season six premiered last september I felt like that something was missing, that something was gone from the show and it didn't felt like it was the show that once I loved.Maybe because Eric Kripke told that he originaly planned the show to last five seasons and they didn't had much time to develope proprely the sixth season and as they went on they came up with interesting ideas, because from where I am, that's what is happening.The start was more than disappointing to me but I didn't give up(although they were times when I asked myself why am  I still watching it?!) and  I'm glad I sticked because recently it started to feel fresh and new again and considering the fact that it was picked up for a seventh season, I believe the writers now know for sure and 100 %  where to go forward with the story.
Talking about story, I'm glad Crowley is back and he wasn't dead.At first I highly disliked his character but now it is considered as a mastermind villain for the Winchester brothers and Castiel is also much more interesting than ever before.Being on his own, a "Superman gone darkside" as Dean stated, we get the whole story on him from the start til' the end.The episode was narrated by Castiel who is sitting in Heaven waiting for God to give him a sign of weather is he on the right path or not.Of course for whatever he is waiting for, it's simply not coming.God may be gone or refuses to respond on Cas' prays.In one word, Cas is lost.Alone. Flashes from season five and few from season four are also present.Ahh, good ol' times.The theme is rivalry and redemption.Rafael is still much more powerful than Castiel and wants him to join his crusade of angels who want to free Michael and Lucifer from the cage so the apocalypse can go on and happen what was written of course our dear old Cas has other visions of the future and plans on stoping Rafael's madness once and for all and this is where Crowley comes into the picture, he offers help Castiel's if he will help him find purgatory and geather souls for an army.Cas agrees and fakes Crowley's death so the Winchesters would be off his trail for good and they can work together again.After stoping the Mother of All, Eve , the Winchester go solo on fiding Crowley and they "outsmoke" Castiel and trap him to confess which he does but with this he looses the friendship of the Winchesters forever.Being again alone he understands that he really is a "superman gone darkside" and the "kryptonite" is in the Winchesters hand.Looooved the bunch of Superman references, this may be a reference for Smallville ending which is kinda cool from the writers.
So Heaven or Hell,Angels or Devils, Castiel is now a tragic hero who only wanted what he thought is best but failed and lost everything, so now it might be a good time for him to proove Sam,Dean and Bobby's that he really is their friend and set things right.
Of course question must be answered because there are a lot of them still and two weeks from now the 2-hour season finale airs.I personally would love to see a fight between Sam,Dean,Castiel and maybe even Balthazar going up against Crowley and an army of demons and even Sam's block on his soul would fade away could give us a suspense finale.The season might have been mostly down for me this past year but if they get the finale right than all is forgiven and we can go back to the way things were and wait season seven with great anticapation.

RAZOR rating: 9 (out of 10)

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