sâmbătă, 26 februarie 2011

Fringe 3x15 Subject 13

Fringe pulled another 1.5 Adults 18-49 rating in row gaining a total of 4.04 million viewers which isn't the worst but neither the best looking on it's starting friday back in january when scored almost 5  million, ofcourse this is still a few percents better then last friday which had 4.02, also some sort of relief considering the episode 'Immortality'  when only 3.74 people tuned in giving it's season's low.If we take Kevin Reilly by his word when said that "if Fringe keeps it's 100 %" on fridays then "we" have a winner, we can smile but what about 80 %? Sure, since then Fox said that they're happy with the show's number.Also Fox claims to be sure that Fringe will return for a 4th season but the same can't be said about Lie to Me and Human Target.
The episode was a follow up from last season's 'Peter' taking place six months later after Peter's abduction from the parallel universe.We "re-see" familiar faces like Olivia or Nick Lane just like other cortexiphan children who were all part of William and Walter's experiment(let's be honest, Bell was nowhere to be found).
While the episode focused more like on Peter and his family, there were interesting Olivia moments as well showing us how she crossed forth and back several times.Once on a field then to Walternate's office where she actually confused him with Walter(Earth-1 and Earth-2 sounds more simple than parallel universes,other worlds etc).
Interesting was to see how Walternate handled the tragedy that hit his family and how he crawled out from it.
Something that left me confused was how Peter couldn't recall this or meeting Olivia before in present day? Perhaps another time we'll see to which Executive Producers replied that they have another episode planend for next season which would carry on the 1985 stories.Next season?Do they know something for sure which we don't?Hope so :). Fringe FTW c'mon.
This episode wasn't as action packed as 'Peter' but for sure gave us some exciting moments from the past.
I think fairly deserves a 4.5 out of 5.

vineri, 18 februarie 2011

The Vampire Diaries 2x15 The Dinner Party

The Vampire Diaries had a poor opening during season one but as the story proceeded, the episodes,character development and storyline crawled into a whole new level making this an incredible show I found myself to enjoy the most(after Fringe and Smallville ofcourse).Season one was all about getting to know the "heroes" of the show, for example Elena Gilbert a girl who resembles Katherine Pierce, the woman who both Salvatore brothers, Damon and Stefan were in love with and after a century absence, they've returned to Mystical Falls. While Stefan was the "good" brother, Damon wasn't presented as pure evil because after spending a half season as the evil S.O.B. of the series he quickly went good guy,but after a few shocks he became the bad one again and good after that and than again bad agian and so on....currently he's still a good guy.Let's hope he'll stay that way.
Season two follows the plot of killing Klaus, the oldest vampire in the history who is trying to sacrifice Elena Gilbert as part of a ritual to break the curse of the sun and moon which would enable vampires to walk in daylight but also "free" the werewolfs from the curse so they can transform willingly into the beast not only in full moon.The first part of the season also marked the return of Katherine Pierce(Katerina as he was known during the late 15th century) but she was quickly sealed away from the others.But she came back this episode.ohh, sweet Katherine >.> .So now we got werewolfs,original vampires,two good brothers,dopplegangers and so on. Ofcourse the story doesn't ends there, our favorite uncle John Gilbert returned to make things harder for our protagonists.
To be honest the way I feel(currently) about this season is that it had strong opening episodes than took back a step and made a more "quietfull" ones and now it's back with a blow.Season one was awesome and season two is incredible.
 Also this episode presented that no matter how some of the characters are in their own paths facing their inner demons, if someone like Elena is in danger, they put aside their own problems and help their friends.Damon really showed his good side while in a flashback we saw what the monster Stefan was, or how he described. "worse than Damon".

Hello Damon ^^ 

  While I felt that the season had some "slow downs" , I really loved this episode. I give it a 5 out of 5 points.

duminică, 13 februarie 2011

Supernatural 6x13 Unforgiven

 Last night's episode really got me by surprise because I managed to enjoy it like it was a true supernatural episode,honestly I ain't a big fan of season 6 ,but that's not a secret.I feel like it's stretched,meaningless and sometimes boring but ofcourse they're were few good moments this season too.I mean c'mon everybody knows that the show was supposed to end with season 5 and the last episode 'Swan Song' was written as the series finale, but for some dumb reason(money, ofcourse)the CW decided they need another season to keep the viewers for another year to make money and because the profit is also good with teaming it up with Smallville on Friday night's which currently airs it's last episodes as the show is in it's final season.Of course the fool can't be fooled(twice?!) as the ratings dropped drasticaly(may be because Fringe is at the same time;may be because a lot of people see that the storyline is pretty weak)but it worked in the beginning so why bother change anything now right?Even Erick Kripke realized that something is missing when decided to back off from producing the show.
Anyway I'm not writting to complain.This episode was really good.I felt like I was watching a regular season 3,4 or even 5 episode.
The monster of the week was an Arachnid type monster.My guess that his/her mother is the Mother of All again as we already know that the Alpha Skinwalkers and Alpha Vampires were created by her.Sam is again soul-full and back in hunting.But things aren't that simple are they?The past sooner or later catches up with you and than you have to face it because it's kill or be killed out there.Not going to spoil all.All I have to say that if the tandence of the show keeps this level of suspence and entertaining up , I will be back everyweek with joy and curiousity for the next episode.
Im not going to say it out loud because I've been disappointed before(A'la 6x07 which I enjoyed but after that everything fell apart).
I'll go with an 4 out of possible 5 for this week's episode.

PS: It has been confirmed that the show will have a double episode season(maybe series?!)finale on May 20, 2011.
                                                    (XoXo from Sam?!?!)

joi, 10 februarie 2011

Fringe Will be Renewed of Cancelled?

 Will Olivia,Peter and Walter get another chance to save both Universes?

Fans waited eagerly to see how will their favorite show do on it's first Friday started with January 2011.Many fans thought that the show will be axed but on it's first (fri)day did more than fine, even more than that because it's ratings raised with 13 % from it's usual tuersday rating.The second friday did almost that good but on the third friday night the show's rating slipped 26 %  but it's no time to worry yet because it could've been due the Superbowl.Okay, we need to worry because Supernatural also resumed from it's one moth(and half) hiatus last friday and the two will have to face off each other until may.I gave up on Supernatural because season 6 didn't delivery the quality I wanted to deliver.So I'm hoping for Fringe to get renewed for a 4th(and maybe) final season.

  It would be a shame to cancel Fringe with it's wonderful story process.I mean it's not everyday that a show like this takes drastic turns and moves almost episode to episode.The show evolved very good from it's poor season 1 start and awesome season 2.Who didn't loved season 1 sure did season 2 and maybe even more season 3 because this season is far the best and most "bizarre" as Joshua Jackson said.We've been introduced to a parallel universe with almost the same dopplegangers of our favorite characters and we've been made to believe that our beloved Peter Bishop may be a villain afterall.

So while we are eating our fingernails or opening the champagnes all we can ask is that will Fringe get renewed or cancelled.Thigns sure does not look good for Lie to Me and Human Target.
Until the decision is made by FOX don't forget to check out tomorrow's episode "Immortality" at 8/7 C and pray that it will get better numbers then last week.